Nathan Jérémie-Brink is the L. Russell Feakes Assistant Professor of the History of Global Christianity at New Brunswick Theological Seminary. He is a historian of religion in the Atlantic World and the early US republic and also a co-organizer and convener of the Slavery + Freedom Studies Working Group. His research and teaching interests include the history of Christianity and slavery, revolution and resistance in Haiti and the Black Atlantic, and African American activism and print culture. He earned his PhD in History from Loyola University Chicago. His current book project examines how early-nineteenth-century African American activists, clergy, and leaders of civic organizations used print to challenge slavery and advance Black empowerment. His work has been supported by the Henry Luce Foundation, the Louisville Institute, and a number of other leading foundations and research institutions. He is passionate about public engagement and digital humanities, and co-directs the The SHELTER Project. He is also an ordained Presbyterian minister and facilitates discussions of antiracism, the history of Christianity and slavery, and considerations of reparations in faith communities.